"But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you will be My witnesses in Jerusalem, in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth." - Acts 1:8

Sunday, May 8, 2011

For we are what He has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life – Ephesians 2:10 (NRSV)

Greetings in Jesus’ Most Holy Name!

Have you ever wondered about the real meaning and purpose of your life and existence here on earth? Why was I born, what is God’s divine plan for my existence? Am I walking on the path that God has prepared for me?

I’m sure we all have encountered such questions at every stage of our life, no matter what your current vocation or state of life is. For some people, life just unfolds and they transit smoothly from one stage to the next. Some are blessed with a divine calling and just know deep within, that this is where and what I need to be doing. Some may even be forced and influenced into a particular vocation by others or due to their own needs or unforeseen circumstances. For others, they need guidance, inspiration and discernment because they find themselves confused or stuck with their decisions and choices. Despite the choices made, some are filled with doubts as life progresses for them and even give up. On the other hand, there are some who are bold to take risks and venture into the unknown, prepared to face whatever lies ahead. Some are already performing good works, yet they may feel what more can I do?

No human life on this earth is a mistake. Every time I read Psalm 139, which is one of my favorite Psalms, I like to think of Abba Father, our ‘Creator Daddy God’ as busy designing His masterpiece (i.e each individual human life from birth till death); uniquely involved in shaping and crafting every minute detail of our lives. (Psalm 139: 13-16)

Isn’t it wonderful to know that God has already prepared beforehand those good works, which will become our way of life? Not the works that we choose on our own, but those works that He will guide and inspire us to walk into. Yet, what seems good thru’ our Lord’s eyes can seem harsh and painful to us at times. For example: Sickness of a loved one. It brings pain to the person suffering as well as to the ones taking care of the sick person. How can sickness be a part of God’s plan and good works? We know and have read testimonies of people where individuals and even families have been saved, reconciled and re-united, love has been restored, lessons of patience and commitment are learnt, all because of the sickness and suffering of one person.

Rick Warren states in His book: ‘The Purpose Driven Life – What on earth am I here for?’ – “Your weaknesses are not an accident. God deliberately allowed them in your life for the purpose of demonstrating His power through you. God has never been impressed with strength or self-sufficiency. In fact, He is drawn to people who are weak and admit it. Jesus regarded this recognition of our need as being "poor in spirit." It's the number one attitude He blesses - Matthew 5:3”. Through the Biblical examples of Paul, the Samaritan woman, Zachaeus etc., and the lives of Saints, we know that God transforms and even uses sinners and imperfect people to perform His good works and draw lost souls back to Him. Here, God’s Word in Romans 8:28 comes alive – “We know that all things work together for good; for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.”

You may have encountered certain people who give off negative vibes. And then there are people who are perpetually calm and you feel peaceful just to be in their company. What is your way of life? Does it radiate love, peace, warmth and happiness? How can we radiate these qualities to others unless we ourselves are filled with them? And in order to be filled with good, we need to first empty ourselves of the negatives. Where you empty yourself is also very important. Our lives can become dumping grounds; full of filth if we empty the negatives in wrong places, because soon the polluted environment will contaminate and corrupt your lifestyle.


How then, can we come to know what are those specific good works that our Father has prepared for each one of us to be our way of life? God’s ways are not our ways. His will and plan for our lives can be discerned when we are in daily communion with Him. Our Lord Jesus Christ invites us to empty ourselves daily and dump all our negatives into His Sacred Heart. The life of Christ within us will then spring forth like streams of living water – John 7:38; Galatians 2:20.

 And this living water is the Holy Spirit who purifies and sanctifies our lives so that we can walk in holiness into those good works already prepared beforehand for our unique calling. Just as a goldsmith purifies gold through fire and it comes out shining, likewise God polishes and refines our lives with sufferings and trials for months and even years until His light shines forth in and through us.

Dear Brother / Sister in Christ, are you at a cross road in your life, not knowing which way to turn? Does life seem messed up and monotonous for you? Have painful and bitter experiences extinguished the light from your life and you wonder, where do I go from here? Maybe people taunted you and told you that you’re a loser and will never move on in life and perhaps you even believed this lie to be true. Maybe you are struggling with important decisions that can make or break your life. Or perhaps you are dependent on the decisions of loved ones that will change the course of your life. Maybe you are still feeling stuck in the past and are afraid to step out in faith, fearing what lies ahead.

Whatever be your life situation, come to our Lord Jesus in all humility and offer your life into His hands just the way it is, trusting that He is at work! The criminal, who was crucified along with Jesus, repented and offered his life to Jesus at the very last moment of his life and Jesus accepted Him. We need not wait till our last moment to draw near to Our Lord. Remember that even this day and this very moment that you are reading this article have already been written by God in His book of life. God can alter the course of your life in the twinkling of an eye because Nothing is impossible for HIM! Allow Him to hold your hand so that He can guide you in your decisions, as you profess ‘Lord, may Your will be done’. Do not give up on God for He has not given up on you. Your best is yet to come and your way of life will become HIS way of life!

Spiitual Exercise: During your time of personal prayer with our Lord, claim His Word in faith. Repeatedly, read aloud Ephesians 2:10 until His Word becomes rooted in your mind and heart and you are filled with His deep peace.

Spiritual Tip: You can write the above Scripture on a piece of paper and keep it in a place as a constant reminder for you to pray daily. You can also personalize it – ‘For I am what You have made me, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which You prepared beforehand to be my way of life’.

Prayer: Abba Father, in the name of Jesus Christ, re-create me in Your image and likeness. Make me know Your ways, O Lord. Teach me Your paths, that I may walk in Your Truth. I call forth those good works, which You have specially prepared beforehand for me, that I will walk in them and glorify Your Holy name. Amen.

- Psalm 86: 11, Psalm 25: 4,5  

Monisha Rebello

You may submit your prayer requests, which will be treated with absolute confidence. Remember to glorify our Lord as soon as He blesses you. You can email your testimonies with permission to publish them online at www.heavensmission.witnesstoday.org

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